Tuesday, November 23, 2021

How to use Theta Binaural Beats to Manifest your Dream Life

Theta Binaural beats between 4 – 7 HZ, are a brainwave entrainment technology designed to put your brain into the same activity state as when you are meditating using traditional methods. Traditional meditation can be very difficult because it’s difficult to hold the mind’s focus, so many people miss out on its benefits.

Theta Brainwave entrainment puts you in a meditative state easily and quickly. It gives anyone a chance to use meditation as a tool for personal growth and manifesting your dream life.

You don’t need any special skills or practice to meditate using binaural beats. All you need are a pair of stereo headphones and an MP3 player!

Be sure to give yourself enough listening time! The brain requires about 7 minutes to entrain or fall in sync, with the audio stimulus. Give yourself at least 15-30 minutes of listening time to experience the benefits.

You can meditate with your eyes open, and focus on a candle to help focus your mind; or, you can meditate with your eyes closed, and focus solely on the music. Experiment with both to see what works best. Beginners usually find eyes-closed meditation to be easier because there are fewer distractions.

The reason why using stereo headphones, is because the ‘beats’ themselves are created in your brain. The word binaural means “having or relating to two ears.”

It works like this: each ear receives a slightly different frequency at the same time, and the brain perceives the tone that is the difference between the two. If 210 Hz theta pulses into one ear and 205 into the other, the brain will process the two sounds into a 5 Hz theta frequency, which is the same frequency produced by the brain during meditation.

When you start listening to this track, focus your attention on the music so that you help your mind settle into a relaxed state. Above all, be patient. Training and developing your brain takes time.

Binaural beats capitalize on the way brain activity works. Your brain is filled with neuron cells that process and communicate information through a network. Whenever these neurons are active, they produce a very small amount of electricity. This is the electricity that is picked up on an EEG when electrodes are placed on the head. The brain is constantly producing frequencies – brainwaves – and these have a close link to how we feel. In particular, when a brainwave frequency is low, we feel restful, calm and sleepy. Meanwhile, when a brainwave frequency is high, we feel focused and alert.

Binaural beats change your brainwaves, helping you get into the state that's most useful to you at the time.

To use binaural beats effectively, you need to listen to them on headphones so that the slightly different frequencies can be fed into your ears. The brain will only respond in the right way (producing a new frequency) if it hears the two different tones at exactly the same time (this is called a “frequency following response”).

There's almost no limit to what you can use binaural beats to induce, whether you want to be calmer or more energetic.

There is also a rich tradition of using binaural beats in forms of spiritual practice. For example, they can be used in conjunction with manifestation techniques for using the Law of Attraction, for facilitating lucid dreaming, and for promoting chakra healing.

You might be wondering about the science is behind them and whether it stands up to scrutiny.

The apparent science of binaural beats revolves around influencing brain wave frequency. Those changes can impact on your physical and mental health. But is this theory well ground in evidence?

The good news is that brainwave entrainment science is increasingly sound. For example, one binaural beats study found that exposure to them can trigger changes in brain arousal level. This can slow down or increase brainwave activity.

In addition, there's a wealth of evidence going back thousands of years. Technology like binaural beats can be found in Ancient Greek and Chinese cultures.

Monday, November 22, 2021

Super Brain Power - Scientific Proof: You can develop a Super Brain like Albert Einstein

Super Brain Power - Unleash the Miraculous Power of Your Mind. The brain is not just the greatest gift that nature has given us, it’s our gateway to an unlimited future that you can begin to live today.

It’s important to remember that...

Ordinary people believe only in the possible. Extraordinary people visualize not what is possible or probable, but rather what is impossible. And by visualizing the impossible, they begin to see it as possible. Click here to learn more..

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

SUPER BRAIN POWER - The Introduction

Imagine the perfect relationship. A relationship where all your needs are met and nobody will ever need to know about it. A relationship which will make all you dreams come true! Countless famous and successful people of the past and the present had or are having this secret relationship. From the genius Albert Einstein to the media mogul Oprah Winfrey, they all had this relationship, and you can have it too.

How great would it be if you could call in your soul mate, the perfect person to spend the rest of your life with? Or become wildly successful and financially abundant? What if you could create anything you want and live your life in total fulfilment? In this series I will teach you the way to tap the realm of this magic power within you, enabling you to get what you really want in life. You will learn how to manifest every single dream you have.

The technique to harness this magic power within you is explained in detail in this series, and I trust that it will help you to discover the infinite power lodged in the subconscious depths of your mind. You will learn to tap into this infinite power that you have and how you can access the hidden inspiration and wisdom that is within you. Watching these videos and applying a few simple principles to unleash the miraculous power of your subconscious mind will be a turning point of your life.

Albert Einstein said:
Imagination is everything. 
It is the preview, of life's coming attractions.

By seeing our dreams and goals as images, our brain works to make those images a reality. Visualization techniques have been used by successful people to visualize their goals and dreams for a long time. Most of us don’t know that we all have this mental power and how to use it effectively in our lives.

This series will give you all the tools and knowledge you’ll ever need to learn to manifest your dreams and aspirations, in the same way famous and successful people used the law of the subconscious mind to manifest their dreams. 

SUPER BRAIN POWER - Law of the Subconscious Mind

Before we can access the power of our subconscious mind and manifest the outcome we desire, we have to understand how our mind works. Your mind has two sides, the conscious or rational level, and the subconscious or irrational level. You think and reason with your conscious mind, and your subconscious mind is the seat of your emotions, and is the creative mind. What you habitually think, sinks down into your subconscious mind. If you have positive thoughts, good things will follow; if you have negative thoughts, bad things will follow. This is the way your mind works.

A very important point to remember, is once your subconscious mind accepts an idea, it begins to execute it. The subconscious mind works for good, and bad ideas alike. Negative thinking will lead to failure, frustration, and unhappiness, but when your habitual thinking is
positive, you’ll experience perfect health, peace, joy and abundance.

It is imperative, for your subconscious mind to accept whatever you desire, as true, and the law of your own subconscious mind, will manifest your desire. Whatever command you give your subconscious mind, it will reproduce the command impressed upon it. Your subconscious mind reacts, or responds to the nature of the image, or idea you hold in your conscious mind.

Scientific studies performed by psychologists and psychiatrists, confirmed that when thoughts or images are conveyed to your subconscious mind, it made impressions on your brain cells. At the point when your subconscious mind accepts any image or thought, it proceeds to put it into effect immediately. It uses the knowledge and experiences that you have gathered in your lifetime, to bring about its purpose. Your subconscious mind will release the infinite power and wisdom within you. 

Your subconscious mind accepts whatever thoughts are impressed upon. It cannot reason things out like your conscious mind, it does not know the difference between good or bad thoughts. You can think of your thoughts as seeds, and your subconscious mind as the soil. Like soil, your subconscious mind will accept seeds of any kind, good or bad. Remember, your subconscious mind does not know what is true or false, it only responds according to your habitually thinking. 
If you consciously assume something as true, even though it may be false, your subconscious mind will accept it as true, and manifest what you consciously assumed to be true.

John Kehoe said:
“Train your conscious mind to think thoughts of success, happiness, health, prosperity, and to weed out fear and worry. Keep your conscious mind busy with the expectation of the best, and make sure 
the thoughts you habitually think, are based upon what you want to see happen in your life.”

A good example to get a better understanding of this concept, is to look at persons in a hypnotic state. Whatever a hypnotist suggests to one of his students in the hypnotic state, the subject will believe himself to be, whatever the hypnotist tells him he is. If a hypnotist tells a subject that he is a stone statue, to another that he is a chicken, to another that his left foot is paining, and to another, that it is freezing cold. Each individual subject will respond to his particular suggestion, totally oblivious to all his surroundings.

This example illustrates clearly the difference, between your conscious reasoning mind, and your subconscious mind, which accepts as true, whatever your conscious mind believes to be true. That’s why it is imperative, if you desire to fulfil your dreams, to fill your subconscious mind with images of your desired outcome.

Your conscious mind is your objective mind. It uses your five senses to guide and direct you.  Your conscious mind learns through observation, experience and education. Your subconscious mind is your subjective mind. Your subconscious mind functions at its highest level, when your five senses are in state of dormancy. Your subconscious mind is an intelligence, which makes itself manifest when your conscious mind is in a sleepy or drowsy state. 

Your subconscious mind recognizes your intuition, it sees, hears, smells, tastes and feels without the use of your five senses. That’s why you should always trust your feeling. How many times did you make decisions with your conscious mind, when the feeling you had, told you differently. How many times have you said to yourself: “Ï should have listened to my feeling”? Your subconscious mind can leave your body, and travel to whatever destination you desire. It has the ability to capture the thoughts of others without hearing even one word. 

It is so important that you understand the interaction of your conscious and subconscious mind, to fully unleash the power within you. 

A very, very important point to remember is that your subconscious mind is amenable to suggestion, meaning that it is very susceptible to what you hear, what you read, or very importantly, how you speak to yourself. 

As you know, your subconscious mind can’t distinguish the truth from what is false, neither does it reason or conceive ideas for itself. Your subconscious mind only reacts to images received from your conscious mind.

The answer to the powerful and pervasive effect your mind has in your life, lies in our response expectancies, or the ways in which we anticipate the outcome in various situations. These expectancies set us up for automatic responses, that actively influence how we get to the outcome we expect. Once we visualize how a specific outcome will occur, our subconscious mind will manifest the outcome. 

People worldwide use visualization techniques to overcome pain, fear, stress, depression and all other negative conditions, likewise there are people who uses visualization to achieve success, wealth and health in their lives.

SUPER BRAIN POWER - Visualization Defined

The first element of Super Brain Power to manifest your dreams is the practice of Visualization.

Before we start with the how, we first have to understand the what of visualization. Visualization is surrendering your conscious mind and embracing an attitude of complete reliance on the inner power of your subconscious mind. Visualization, which is a conscious act, must be accepted as an image in your conscious mind before the power from your subconscious will realize that image. You must reach a point where your conscious and unconscious mind are in an undisputed state of agreement. 

This image in your mind should be accompanied by a feeling of joy and excitement in the anticipation of receiving what you desire. The basis of visualization is the complete believe that the thought or image in your conscious mind, will trigger a definite response from your subconscious mind, which is the one who will manifest your thoughts and desires.

Ordinary people believe only in the possible. 
Extraordinary people visualize not what is possible or probable, but rather what is impossible. 
And by visualizingthe impossible, they begin to see it as possible.

Visualization is the conscious action to feed your subconscious mind with the image of what you want your subconscious mind to manifest. It is the methodology of creating an image of the outcome we wish to accomplish. Visualization is when your soul’s deepest desire, transpired by your deepest needs and what you really want from your life, becomes your image.

Visualization is the approach to visualize an idea, to see it in your mind’s eye as vividly as if it already exists in the external world. Any picture, which you have in your mind, is the product of things hoped for. This picture is real and will appear in your objective world if you are faithful and dedicated to the image in your mind. 

Lindsey Vonn, one of the most successful female skiers in history, says her mental practice gives her a competitive advantage on the course. "I always visualize the run before I do it," Vonn has said "By the time I get to the start gate, I've run that race 100 times already in my head, picturing how I'll take the turns."

But she doesn't just keep the images in her head. She's also known to physically simulate the path by literally shifting her weight back and forth as if she were on skis, as well as practice the specific breathing patterns she'll use during the race. "I love that exercise," Vonn has said. "Once I visualize a course, I never forget it. So I get on those lines and go through exactly the run that I want to have."

Another excellent example of how you can use the power of your subconscious mind to change your life and make all your dreams come true, is the media mogul Oprah Winfrey, who pulled herself up from poverty to become one of the wealthiest women in the world. Her commitment started young. As a child watching her grandmother toil away, Winfrey says she’d tell herself over and over again: “My life won’t be like this. My life won’t be like this, it will be better.” Her many words of wisdom to fans include: “Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life, because you become what you believe.”

This process of visualization forms impressions in your mind; these impressions in turn become manifested as facts and experiences in your life. Visualization is about you creating your own reality. 

It’s important to understand that your beliefs and interpretations contribute to what you create in your reality, because this is the premise of how visualization works. All people can get whatever they visualize to manifest, purely because of their belief or mental acceptance about that for which they visualize to happen. The principle of visualization is the principle of belief. If you believe and accept the fact as true that whatever you desire has already been fulfilled and that you’ve already received it, you vision will manifest itself. For all things you desire to have substance in the realm of your mind, it must be thought of as actually existing. 

Belief is a way of thinking, an attitude of your mind, and knowing that what you fully accept in your conscious mind will be embodied in your subconscious mind and made to manifest. Belief is accepting as true what your reason and senses deny as false.  

A classical example of belief is written in Matthew 9: 28-30 when Jesus healed the blind men. The verse reads:
When He had gone indoors, the blind men came to Him, and He asked them, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” “Yes, Lord,” they replied. Then He touched their eyes and said, “According to your faith let it be done to you”, and their sight was restored.

In Jesus’ words, according to your faith let it be done to you, Jesus was literally appealing to the collaboration of the blind men’s subconscious minds. Their belief, the absolute fact in their subconscious mind, that Jesus would heal them, and that their sight was already restored.  When they came to Jesus to be healed, they were healed by their belief that Jesus would heal them, together with Jesus’ belief and understanding of the healing power of the subconscious mind. 

Whatever Jesus proclaimed, He believed to be true. The words which Jesus spoke with authority, was his instruction to the subconscious mind of all the people he healed together with His knowledge and complete trust in the response of the subconscious mind.

SUPER BRAIN POWER - What is Mindfulness

Firstly we have to differentiate between mindfulness and meditation.  They can overlap, but they are not interchangeable. They are often used in a similar context and that is where the confusion about the differences between mindfulness and meditation originate. 
Mindfulness and meditation embody similarities and can overlap, but they are not the same. Meditation is typically a formal practice, where you set aside a dedicated time and place to practice it. Meditation is an intentional practice, where you use focus to increase calmness, concentration, awareness, and emotional balance

On the other side, mindfulness is a practice of paying attention and being aware in the present in whatever you’re doing. Mindfulness is when you are noticing the world around you and being aware of your thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Mindfulness can be practiced anytime and anywhere, by being fully engaged in the here and now. 

People tend to go about their daily lives with their minds wandering from the actual activity they are participating in, to other thoughts of fears, worries, or what all they still have to do for the day. Being mindful is to be actively involved in the activity in the present moment. Mindfulness can be practiced in any situation throughout the day. Most people find it difficult to stay in the present moment. A Harvard study found that almost half of all people spend their waking hours thinking about something other than what they are doing. This kind of mindlessness is the norm, as the mind spends its time focused on the past, the future, or muddling in should have’s and what if’s. The study also found that allowing the brain to run on auto-pilot like this can make people unhappy. “A wandering mind is an unhappy mind,” the researchers said. Mindfulness prevents your mind from wandering and falling into the trap of allowing our minds to cause havoc in our lives.

Being mindful is engaging all 5 of your senses, your sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste, into the task we are busy with in the here and  now.

Here’s an example of a mindfulness practice you can try to get a better understanding of the concept:

When you are having your morning coffee, take notice of the following:
The smell of the coffee coming through your nostrils.
How the color changes when you add milk.
The rotation of the water when you stir your coffee.
The flavor of the coffee on your tongue.
The warming sensations down your throat and into your stomach.
This simple exercise will help you to give you an understanding how to tune into your surroundings and increase your mindfulness. When you apply this practice with all your everyday activities—even those you’ve done thousands of times—you will begin to notice new things about your surroundings.

SUPER BRAIN POWER - The Miraculous Power of Meditation

Many benefits can be gained through meditation, but how exactly can meditation assist in manifesting and help you to attract more? There are several ways how you can use meditation for manifesting: 

Meditation helps you to identify your abundance blocks faster and to overcome them.

Meditation makes you more aligned with the universe, and thus brings you into the flow state more easily.

Meditation trains your intuition.

Meditation helps you with visualization.

To name but a few of the ways meditation helps you to manifest your dream life.

The greatest enemy of our time and above all, the worst for your success, is the distraction in our life.

To be able to attract and design our dream life, we must be able to fully concentrate on our goals, and meditation is the perfect tool to keep us grounded and to stay focused on out goals.

So let’s have a look at how meditation can really support you when manifesting your big dreams.

Meditation that is extremely powerful when it comes to manifestation.  Guided creative mindfulness meditation, will help you to change your mindset and your beliefs.

The greatest enemy for your manifesting success is; distraction and negative beliefs.

To be successful with manifesting your dreams, you must be able to fully concentrate on your goal, have all your focus and attention on receiving mode.

Meditation helps you to eliminate the distractions of the outside world and makes you more focused on your goals.

In the beginning, you will only do this in the morning or the evening in your meditation session, but later on, you will quickly learn to use this whenever you need it.

This way, you can get yourself back in alignment with the universe whenever needed.

Meditation brings you in touch with your intuition and attract creative ideas.

To successfully manifest your dream life, you need an attitude that is positive and you should distance yourself from negative thoughts and feelings. Meditation helps you with that. 

As discussed in a previous episode; visualization is the most powerful tool to manifest our dreams. 

Meditation helps you when you find yourself struggling with visualizing your goals and dreams, be it with creating a clear picture in your mind, or just letting yourself go.

The more you meditate, the easier it is to get into the desired state, where you can fully engage with your visualization.

Using the latest in MRI brain imaging technology, a Harvard University study found that, meditation practitioners increased the neural mass, gray matter, of the brain regions associated with focused attention, deep thought, and overall brain power, while simultaneously quieting the electrical activity within the regions, associated with anxiety, depression, fear, and anger.

The implications of being able to build a super brain through meditation and manifesting your dreams, are immense. .

As we’ve discussed in a previous video: your brain has two hemispheres, left and right. The Left hemisphere’s  thinking is associated with  logical, practical, and mathematical thinking. 

On the other hand, the right brain hemisphere is linked intuitive, abstract and creative thinking.

Numerous studies have shown that the world’s greatest thinkers, inventors, artists, and scientists, used both brain hemispheres together in an integrated way.

The question becomes, were they born this way, or did they train their brains to reach such great heights? 

Countless brain imaging studies have found that meditation practitioners, development an incredibly balanced and symmetrical brain..

The world's most transformative, creative, and successful people practice meditation, declaring their meditation practice to be a big reason for their success and achievements.

Your Brain's Grand Central Station ,Corpus Callosum, is the facilitator of information between your two brain hemispheres, about 10cm beneath your cortex, is a bundle of nerves. To boost your intelligence, memory, and brain power, then upgrading this area of your brain, is critical.

U C L A School of Medicine researchers found that during meditation this bridge-like, flat bundle of neural fibers becomes deeply stimulated.

Because of the brain's Neuroplastic nature, meditation's incredible stimulus forces this part of your brain to strengthen and grow, ,
enhancing your intellectual capabilities on every imaginable marker.

The benefits can you expect with a stronger and healthier brain, specifically the critical Corpus Callosum region, is higher levels of focus and concentration, more brain power and clearer thinking, all combined with a greater sense of peace. You will experience a flowing energy of  insightful, intelligent, and creative thoughts.

You will be happier, more optimistic, at one with the world. 

Financial, academic, and career success will come much easier, more naturally. 

In order to build your brain to higher and higher levels, your brain and nervous system, needs a workout.

Just as higher levels of exercise, force your body to strengthen and develop, the higher levels of deep neuro stimulation and brain entrainment, provided through meditation, forces your brain, into optimal performance.

The neuro stimulation from meditation, offers your brain, and whole nervous system, an incredibly effective workout, triggering super positive transformations, throughout your body.

Science, has only just discovered the tip of the iceberg, to this powerful, life-changing mind-tool.

In time, with practicing meditation, your whole nervous system reorganizes and optimizes itself, to progressively higher levels, laying a new foundation of neural pathways, and opening up access, between your left and right brain hemispheres.

This, Whole Brain Synchronization, as its known among the scientific community, has the potential to transform your life in unimaginable ways.

SUPER BRAIN POWER - The Extraordinary Power of Affirmations

First, I’m assuming if you’re here that you already know what affirmations are all about.

But if not, affirmations are short phrases or statements that help put you into a positive mindset so that you can focus on what you are trying to manifest into your life.

An affirmation is an affirmative statement, telling your subconscious mind HOW something is. As discussed in the Law of the Subconscious mind, the great thing is that your subconscious mind will not be able to tell the difference between true reality, and something you just made up. Affirmations usually start with, I am, and finish with anything that you want to manifest.

And that’s what makes affirmations so powerful to use in manifesting.

Positive affirmations are an amazing way of reprogramming your subconscious mind and help you to change your beliefs on a subliminal level. 

The subconscious mind is overruling all consciously made decisions. It is filtering out what part of the world you see. And whatnot. That is why two people at the same time at the same place can have entirely different experiences.

The Law of the Subconscious Mind, is based on programming your subconscious mind to be vibrationally aligned with your desires.

And that is exactly what affirmations do.

Affirmations are a very powerful tool to guide your thinking and your life in the right direction, in the direction YOU choose.

Positive affirmations show your subconscious mind what you want and where you want to go.

They help you to break through your negative thought patterns. Many people struggle with negative thoughts. This is natural, but there is also a very effective way to avoid them. Because positive thoughts can be trained very easily. And affirmations are perfect for it.

They help you to concentrate on your goals. Keeping your goals in front of you every day is so important to achieve them. And affirmations are ideal for this because you tell yourself every day how you have already reached your goal.

The more positive you speak, the more positive things you attract.

They help you to practice gratitude more often. Gratitude is the strongest emotion we can use to manifest, and affirmations help us to strengthen this emotion. Every day. In the next episode we’ll be discussing Gratitude in more detail.

They give you the clues to “act as if.” An affirmation is designed to express things you want to achieve in the present tense. Basically, an affirmation is a description of what we know as “acting as if”.

And acting as if, is a manifesting technique you need to implement when you want to make the Law of the subconscious mind work.

It is then no longer just a matter of pretending, but rather living like the person who has already reached your goal.

If you want to be reminded of your affirmation throughout the day, write it down on a sticky note, and put it on a mirror in your bathroom.

It should be in a place where you will see it often, so you can put it anywhere, including on your fridge door or even the top of your computer screen.

Every time you see it, read it out loud or to yourself, and really feel what it says.
An alternative to just saying it to yourself when you see the note, is actually using it for mirror work.

This is when you look at your reflection in the mirror while saying the affirmation to yourself.

While mirror work may seem challenging at first, it can be a really powerful law of attraction method.

 If you have short affirmations that are easy to remember, you can try repeating them to yourself throughout your day whenever you need to be reminded of it.

A short, easy to remember, easily repeatable phrase that you utter over and over again is known as a mantra.

Finally, one of the best ways to use affirmations is during meditation or visualization.

Choose affirmations that help get you into that zone where you are focusing on and feeling your manifestation, and you’ll get great results!

It is important to understand that Affirmations need to trigger the right emotions. Telling yourself something that you can’t believe or words that don’t trigger a truly good feeling will just not work.

Manifesting with the power of the universal laws is based on emotions. Like attracts like.

So only when your affirmation triggers the emotional state that is aligned with your desire, it will truly work for you.

Thank you for watching this video. In the next episode we’ll discuss gratitude, the last element of manifesting your dreams and goals. And after that, I’ll share with you, how to combine all these elements and apply them to manifest your desires.

I am the author of my life story.
I am the designer of my universe.
I have the freedom to create any future I want.
I choose what I become.
I am in charge of my life and the only one who can dictate my path.
I am worthy and deserving of my dreams.
I have the power to create the life I desire.
I have the power to create change.
I possess unlimited power.
All that I need to live the life of my dreams is inside of me.
Everything I’m looking for I can find within me.
I am connected to a limitless source of ideas and creativity.
I am in alignment with my purpose.
The more I feel grateful, the more wonderful things flow into my life to feel grateful for.
All of the good I put out into the world always comes back to me.
I listen to my intuition and trust my inner guide.
I attract the people and resources to support my journey.
I feel so grateful for my beautiful life.
I am creating the life I love.
All the good I put out, I gain back tenfold.
Today will lead me to new and exciting paths for success.
My inspired actions create prosperity.
I am tuned into passion, positivity, and prosperity.

I am ready, willing, and able to have everything I want.
Success, prosperity, and abundance exist within me.
Success comes naturally to me.
My mindset is always geared toward positivity and success.
I am aligned with the energy of pure abundance.
I am connected to the endless abundance of the Universe.
I release limits and boundaries. I embrace potential and possibilities.
My mind is free of limiting beliefs and open to the flow of everlasting abundance.
I am constantly attracting the flow of abundance.
I choose abundance, and abundance chooses me.
I am open to receiving everything I could ever dream of and more.
I have access to a limitless source of health, happiness, and love.
I focus my vision on creating a life of passion, prosperity, and purpose.
I believe in miracles, magic, and limitless possibilities.
I believe I am worthy enough to manifest my dreams, and my heart is open to receiving everything I desire.
I have the power to create anything I want in this life.
I am worthy, powerful, and more than enough.
I call in my abundance.
I call in my heart’s desires.
The Universe supports me in ways I can’t even see.
I accept and receive unexpected miracles.
I embrace my ability to create the life I desire.
I tap into my inner power and embrace the magic within me.

How to use Theta Binaural Beats to Manifest your Dream Life

Theta Binaural beats between 4 – 7 HZ, are a brainwave entrainment technology designed to put your brain into the same activity state as whe...