Wednesday, November 17, 2021

SUPER BRAIN POWER - The Miraculous Power of Meditation

Many benefits can be gained through meditation, but how exactly can meditation assist in manifesting and help you to attract more? There are several ways how you can use meditation for manifesting: 

Meditation helps you to identify your abundance blocks faster and to overcome them.

Meditation makes you more aligned with the universe, and thus brings you into the flow state more easily.

Meditation trains your intuition.

Meditation helps you with visualization.

To name but a few of the ways meditation helps you to manifest your dream life.

The greatest enemy of our time and above all, the worst for your success, is the distraction in our life.

To be able to attract and design our dream life, we must be able to fully concentrate on our goals, and meditation is the perfect tool to keep us grounded and to stay focused on out goals.

So let’s have a look at how meditation can really support you when manifesting your big dreams.

Meditation that is extremely powerful when it comes to manifestation.  Guided creative mindfulness meditation, will help you to change your mindset and your beliefs.

The greatest enemy for your manifesting success is; distraction and negative beliefs.

To be successful with manifesting your dreams, you must be able to fully concentrate on your goal, have all your focus and attention on receiving mode.

Meditation helps you to eliminate the distractions of the outside world and makes you more focused on your goals.

In the beginning, you will only do this in the morning or the evening in your meditation session, but later on, you will quickly learn to use this whenever you need it.

This way, you can get yourself back in alignment with the universe whenever needed.

Meditation brings you in touch with your intuition and attract creative ideas.

To successfully manifest your dream life, you need an attitude that is positive and you should distance yourself from negative thoughts and feelings. Meditation helps you with that. 

As discussed in a previous episode; visualization is the most powerful tool to manifest our dreams. 

Meditation helps you when you find yourself struggling with visualizing your goals and dreams, be it with creating a clear picture in your mind, or just letting yourself go.

The more you meditate, the easier it is to get into the desired state, where you can fully engage with your visualization.

Using the latest in MRI brain imaging technology, a Harvard University study found that, meditation practitioners increased the neural mass, gray matter, of the brain regions associated with focused attention, deep thought, and overall brain power, while simultaneously quieting the electrical activity within the regions, associated with anxiety, depression, fear, and anger.

The implications of being able to build a super brain through meditation and manifesting your dreams, are immense. .

As we’ve discussed in a previous video: your brain has two hemispheres, left and right. The Left hemisphere’s  thinking is associated with  logical, practical, and mathematical thinking. 

On the other hand, the right brain hemisphere is linked intuitive, abstract and creative thinking.

Numerous studies have shown that the world’s greatest thinkers, inventors, artists, and scientists, used both brain hemispheres together in an integrated way.

The question becomes, were they born this way, or did they train their brains to reach such great heights? 

Countless brain imaging studies have found that meditation practitioners, development an incredibly balanced and symmetrical brain..

The world's most transformative, creative, and successful people practice meditation, declaring their meditation practice to be a big reason for their success and achievements.

Your Brain's Grand Central Station ,Corpus Callosum, is the facilitator of information between your two brain hemispheres, about 10cm beneath your cortex, is a bundle of nerves. To boost your intelligence, memory, and brain power, then upgrading this area of your brain, is critical.

U C L A School of Medicine researchers found that during meditation this bridge-like, flat bundle of neural fibers becomes deeply stimulated.

Because of the brain's Neuroplastic nature, meditation's incredible stimulus forces this part of your brain to strengthen and grow, ,
enhancing your intellectual capabilities on every imaginable marker.

The benefits can you expect with a stronger and healthier brain, specifically the critical Corpus Callosum region, is higher levels of focus and concentration, more brain power and clearer thinking, all combined with a greater sense of peace. You will experience a flowing energy of  insightful, intelligent, and creative thoughts.

You will be happier, more optimistic, at one with the world. 

Financial, academic, and career success will come much easier, more naturally. 

In order to build your brain to higher and higher levels, your brain and nervous system, needs a workout.

Just as higher levels of exercise, force your body to strengthen and develop, the higher levels of deep neuro stimulation and brain entrainment, provided through meditation, forces your brain, into optimal performance.

The neuro stimulation from meditation, offers your brain, and whole nervous system, an incredibly effective workout, triggering super positive transformations, throughout your body.

Science, has only just discovered the tip of the iceberg, to this powerful, life-changing mind-tool.

In time, with practicing meditation, your whole nervous system reorganizes and optimizes itself, to progressively higher levels, laying a new foundation of neural pathways, and opening up access, between your left and right brain hemispheres.

This, Whole Brain Synchronization, as its known among the scientific community, has the potential to transform your life in unimaginable ways.

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